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New photo comment (7 hours ago)

Ardath commented on photo #114207

Thank you :)

New photo comment (yesterday)

sbina86 commented on photo #114207

Ohh this is so beautiful! :)

New pattern (yesterday)

Brace1et 131 posted pattern #112444

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Ardath posted a new photo

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Bunny.Timeline posted a new photo

New photo comment (2 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114205

Oh, man. That's insanely gorgeous!

New photo comment (2 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114198

This is beautiful! I love the randomness of it :D

New comment on pattern (2 days ago)

kleinevos commented on pattern #1420

See: https://friendship-bracelets.net/faq/view/2

New comment on pattern (2 days ago)

celestee4 commented on pattern #1420

hi!! how long the strings are?

New photo (2 days ago)

Entropy099 posted a new photo

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Bunny.Timeline posted a new photo

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Entropy099 posted a new photo

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Knotdaughter posted a new photo

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Knotdaughter posted a new photo

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Knotdaughter posted a new photo

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Knotdaughter posted a new photo

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Knotdaughter posted a new photo

New comment on tutorial (3 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4080

Fun bracelet!

New comment on pattern (4 days ago)

Loliii commented on pattern #111189

Make the pink strands WAYYY longer than you think

New photo (4 days ago)

Knotbad85 posted a new photo

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3567

Love this bracelet so much

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #773

Might have to try this!

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3442

This bracelet is so cool! Have to try it!

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #603

This is definitely on my never ending to-do list!

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3632

It's a cool looking braelet too

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3632

Yeah great way to use up scraps. I have so many as

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1560

The tutorial is good

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1560

Need pics for the diamond crown.

New comment on tutorial (5 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #766

I will have to try this!

New photo comment (6 days ago)

halokiwi commented on photo #98812

Click on "go to the pattern"

New photo comment (6 days ago)

Knotbad85 commented on photo #98812

Whatis the pattern called how can I find it please

New photo comment (6 days ago)

sunsuniyo commented on photo #114149

cool color scheme

New photo comment (6 days ago)

sunsuniyo commented on photo #114190

the colors are great! Love the pink, green and blu

New photo comment (6 days ago)

sunsuniyo commented on photo #110471

The colors look amazing.

New photo comment (6 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114184


New comment on tutorial (6 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #199

Great bracelet!

New comment on tutorial (6 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1004

Don't know how you would use the overlapped one bu

New comment on tutorial (6 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #852

It is pretty cool.

New photo comment (7 days ago)

Knotdaughter commented on photo #114186

Couldn't help myself, love christmasy colours.

New photo comment (7 days ago)

Knotdaughter commented on photo #114184

Thank you! I've been swapping back and forth doing

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2915

At first I didn't get it but now it sounds fun!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1831

I might have to try this!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #57

So confused...

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #882

This is a little different than how I make them bu

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2594

Love these!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3759

This bracelet is amazing! I will have to try it!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2514

Sorry I meant much! lol :)

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2514

I love this bracelet so muh! So simple and easy!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #998

Yeah I think I might have this pattern. Cool thoug

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #210

Need to do!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4198

I'm gonna try it! Thanks!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #89

I'll try it! Thanks!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1208

Love this bracelet! Can't wait to try it!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2298

Thanks for the tutorial. The bracelet is great!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4803

I will have to try this at some point!

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4444

@G_Y_Purple You just tie 1/2 of a forward knot

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #188

The chinese staircase is easy, I will have to try

New comment on tutorial (7 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #517

Oh I see. Thanks!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1815

Love it! Thanks!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3561

I really like this bracelet!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1858

Fun bracelet! Can't wait to try it!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2523

Sorry I meant try it out

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2523

I LOVE this bracelet! Can't wait to tryit out!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2407

I haven't tried anything like this before. Great j

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

par commented on tutorial #2101

very nice .

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2101

This is very cool!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #112

Really great bracelet! Fun and cool looking

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

kleinevos commented on tutorial #517

It stays twisted because you first twist one way,

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4016

At first I didn't get it but now it seems really c

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2757

Thanks! I will definitely have to make this some t

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1399

This is really beautiful. Thanks!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #954

This is pretty cool!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #4200

Really fun bracelet. Love it!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #5069

Love this one

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #3107

Love this bracelet. Great tutorial

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #376

I found it easier to just make 3 candy stripe rows

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #320

Thanks! There was some stuff in here I didn't need

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2859

Very easy and fun looking. Love it!

New comment on tutorial (8 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #517

Seems pretty easy. I do wonder how it stays twiste

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2695

I haven't seen this kind before! I like it! Thanks

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2866

I literally love this bracelet so much. It is defi

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #632

I really like this bracelet. It turns out to look

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #13

I did know how to make the regular cheveron but th

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #2720

Cool bracelet! Never would have thought this up

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #383

Might be nice to have some pictures

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #383

This is a really easy bracelet. Good for beginners

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #383

@Morgana260 Look for a tutorial that fits you

New comment on tutorial (9 days ago)

SwiftiePotterhead4Life commented on tutorial #1484

I love this bracelet! It is really easy and turns

New pattern (9 days ago)

Lilac.Ashes posted pattern #112531

New pattern (9 days ago)

grantconley08 posted pattern #112449

New forum reply (9 days ago)

halokiwi replied to the forum thread RE : Bracelet boxes organizati

I would go to a hardware store. They should have w

New forum thread (11 days ago)

MarenAnne6 created a new forum thread Bracelet boxes organization

Hey all, does anybody know of a bag, box, or caddy

New photo comment (11 days ago)

Thatpersonwholikesbracelets commented on photo #114190

I love it. The colors go well together.

New photo comment (11 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114190

This is beautiful! I love your bracelets

New photo comment (11 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114186

Reminds me of Christmas-in-july!

New photo comment (11 days ago)

Bunny.Timeline commented on photo #114184

Haven't seen you in a while Knottdaughter! The bra

New comment on guestbook entry (11 days ago)

kleinevos commented on a guestbook entry

Note that flat kumihimos can also be made on a rou

New comment on guestbook entry (11 days ago)

kleinevos commented on a guestbook entry

We have a tutorial with a few patterns here: http