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Membership date

  • 2/5/13


Hello, I'm kleinevos from the Netherlands. I'm ..... years old (born in 1970, I'll leave out my age so I don't have to change it here every year ;-)) ) and I'm crafting almost all my life. I did a lot of felting, sewing little dolls and animals, origami and I started knotting in januari 2013. I did some macrame before, but I never made friendship-bracelets before that. I enjoy making them now!
I also like to crochet now and then, and I started my journey in 'the other macrame', with gemstones and/or beads, in the beginning of 2016.
I like the versatility of making knots! It has become the biggest part of my life now, and there's so much more to explore! I'm sure I will keep enjoying it for many years to come.

I'm also on Instagram: kleinevos70.

You can ask me questions (via PM) in Dutch or in English if you need help and can’t find the answer via our forum. I can understand most of German and some French too, but I’ll probably answer you in English.

Very useful tutorials with more or less basic information:

-Larksheadknot buckle: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/3282
-Multicolor alpha-tutorial: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/152
-Kumihimo: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/592
-Estimating string length: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/3683
-Shaping technique for V-shaped starting and ending:
-4 basic knots : https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/66