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(( Beginner Tutorial )) Lava Lamp Bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
Set Up
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 2
   3.2 -
Step 3
   3.3 -
Step 4
   3.4 -
Step 5
   3.5 -
Step 6
   3.6 -
Step 7
   3.7 -
Step 8
   3.8 -
Step 9


I made up this bracelet on my own and loved it and thought I should share it with you!!!!

Set Up

Set up your string like this: ABCDEEDCBA (like a chevron)

Step by Step

Step 1

Take your A string on the right and make backward knots to the middle. Do the same on the left with forward knots. Join the strings.

Step 2

Now take your A string on the right and make a forward knot on your E string. Do the same on the left with a backward knot. Your string order should know be BCDAEEADCB

Step 3

Make a forward knot with the left A string and a backward knot with the right A string. Join them together. (BCDEAAEDCB)

Step 4

Now you take your right A string and make forward knots to your D string. Do the same on the left with backward knots. (BCADEEDACB)

Step 5

Now work your way back to the middle with your A strings. Join them together. (BCDEAAEDCB)

Step 6

Now you are going to make knots out to your C string. Forward knots on the right and backward knots on the left. (BACDEEDCAB)

Step 7

Now head back toward the middle and join your strings.

Step 8

Now you want to knot out to the B string. Forward knots on the right and backward knots on the left. (ABCDEEDCBA)

Step 9

All you have to do now is to make knots towards the middle and join your strings.

Repeat until the bracelet is long enough. Remember that it is loose and there will be space between the knots that you make. Good luck!


The original author of this tutorial is skpluvs2sing but it was also edited by k_marie, Kestrel, Chip3622, Tayrex, wildcattz98, Alicat, kleinevos and DogsAreCool2325.

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