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(( Bracelets )) Double Cornie

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
Set Up
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 2
   3.2 -
Step 3
   3.3 -
Step 4
   3.4 -
Step 5
   3.5 -
Step 6
   3.6 -
Step 7
   3.7 -
Step 8
   3.8 -
Step 9
   3.9 -
Finished Bracelet
3 -
Beaded Variation


The Double Cornie is not the Double Wave or the Double Wellenband . There are some differences between double wave and Double Wellenband, but Double Cornie is similar to these both types of bracelets.Anyway, it will be easier for you to understand this tutorial if you know how to do the simple Wellenband. See that tutorial here. Now let's go!

Set Up

Put your strings in a symmetrical position. I've chosen for my bracelet the position: A B C B D| D B C B A

You can use that as well the order A B C D | D C B A or any other number of strings. It's your choice.

Step by Step

Step 1

Do the reversed chevron once with the D strings on A B C and B

The final position after this step will be D A B C B|B C B A D

Step 2

Now do the same thing with the B centered strings but don't tie D strings!!

Final position after step 3: D B A B C|C B A B D

Step 3

Repeat the last step with the C string but don't tie the last D and B strings.

Final position after step 4: D B C A B|B A C B D

Step 4

Do the same thing now with the B centered but don't tie D, B and C strings

Final position after step 5: D B C B A|A B C B D

Step 5

Now tie A strings together.

Same strings position after step 6

Step 6

Now do a normal chevron with the B (the ones nearest the center) strings .

Final position after step 7: D B C A B|B A C B D

Step 7

Now do the same thing but with C strings now.

Final position after step 8: D B A B C|C B A B D

Step 8

Now do again the same thing with the other strings so the final position will be the one like in the first step: A B C B D| D B C B A

Step 9

Now just do the steps from 1 to 8.

Finished Bracelet

This is how the bracelet will look like:

Beaded Variation

You can also use a bead variation:

Hope you liked this tutorial and your bracelet will look awesome!



The original author of this tutorial is lorie but it was also edited by JesusFREAK4real, MeerkatsRule10, Jeckle, Kestrel and Alicat.

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