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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by ConfessorKahlan 12 years ago

It's RockePloeger's magic remedy for every ailment!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Roseit 12 years ago

grrr today I was wearing my 28-stringer-celtic-preztel-rainbow design bracelet and I friend wanted to buy from me. So she asked my price. I said 10 dollars, which is cheap cause I am a SLOW knotter and cause she's my friend blah blah blah...And then she said that was rip-off and expected it to be a couple dollars or something. :'( sniffle

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Foz 12 years ago

pooh to that, Roseit! I'd sell a 28-thread bracelet for no less than 10 dollars. anyone who expects to get it for 2 dollars is cheap, and unappreciative of your time, effort, and skill. hug?

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by ConfessorKahlan 12 years ago

I think so many people don't understand the work that is put into these bracelets! Half the people I tell about them think it's amazing, and would pay any price at all. The other half think their five-year-olds could do it.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by AHBracelets 12 years ago

yeah really dont you dare sell a bracelet with 28 strings for like two dollars! ive had people say the would pay me 20 dollars for one bracelet with 15 strings (which is a little crazy) but that pattern is reallllly big and hard and then youuuu are the one being ripped off. they like just dont understand how much time goes into this stuff! making bracelets can be hard!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Acid 12 years ago

I've had the same, they ask if I can make one and as soon as I name a price they lose interest. They don't appreciate the time, effort and material costs. Some people appreciate the work, others will never have a clue.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by AutumnRane 12 years ago

when will people learn O.o

Don't sell yourself short Roseit! <3

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Roseit 12 years ago

Thanks everyone! <3 I can do better without "friends" that don't appreciate my hard work :P. Since I'm new, I'm always experimenting new friends :) <3<3

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by karxalc 12 years ago

I guess my family, friends and classmates are super polite, because they have never said a thing about my prices... I don't fell comfortable selling to family and friends anyways idk why.
The first time I took my bracelets to sell at school everything was $1 or $1.50 max, I did get two classmate looking at my bracelets trying to figure out how to make them instead of buying them because they looked easy, they didn't say this to my face though. :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by usr40717 12 years ago

I know how that feels, Roseit... Last year I used to make alot of things with duct tape, one day I took a whole shoebox of wallets and said the price for all was 6 dollars. I was really shorting myself but apparently others thought otherwise. They said the most they would pay for it was 3...
1. The inside of all of them included an I.D. pocket, 6 card holders, two hidden pockets.
2. Duct tape is 3 dollars a roll. I wanted a bit more of a profit..
3. How could they tell me 6 dollars was overpriced when I sell them at other places for 10-20 dollars?! Yes, 20.

I guess I have less patience for it because I myself pay extra if it is handmade..


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