
was donated
RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

Ouch, that would bite.
The only thing I could say here is that im glad i was finally moved to a closer store, and I dont have to drive 30 minutes on a busy road to work.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

we got hit with 6" of snow, im so loving it! the world looks so beautiful covered in white

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by FatnSassy 13 years ago

We ended up with 4"...but that's way more than we've had here in years. Normally we have the sleet and ice or just a dusting of snow.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

same for us Sassy,. normally its ice , lots and lots of ice. so happy we have snow, the woolly caterpillar "said" it was going to be a harsh one!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by twilight_Moon 13 years ago

I know this conversations should probably just die but I had to mention something I remember from when I was about 10, so about 11 years ago. I have always been a free thinker, something my parents never really approved of because it made me harder to mold and make what they wanted me into. My family never attended church, the only person I knew that went to church regularly was my grandmother. I had wondered what was so fasinating about church and GOD, so I decided to join my grandmother every sunday I could to see what her religion was all about. I remember either being in a stuffy (In summer) or freezing (Fall/winter/spring) service hall being crowded by silent elderly people or being in the gym with other children who were quizzed about the bible to earn candy. That was the only way they had found to keep us children interested in the bible. But even with the reward of candy I rarely touched the bible even though my grandmother had tried to help me with it.
After I found that Christianity had been the common theme in many killings and murders of other religions and ways of life I had made the decision to never be pressured into practicing a faith I had no faith in. Then when I had my daughter my parents found "Faith" which was a sad attempt for my mother to rekindle her failing marriage. My grandmother is still a devoted Christian but my mother as well as my two brothers and father are all Catholics. My mother and grandmother tell me I should do the "right" thing and have my daughter baptized (Forgive my poor spelling) and my grandmother even going as far as saying "You don't want Raine to go to hell do you?" That is what infurriates me about religion in general are the devoted believers have the gall to indicate I or my child who is pure would go to hell for not being cristened by a specific religion.
I found my Grandmother's word to be very hurtful and a very poor choice on her end seeing as my mother and her didn't have my brother or I baptized into the Christian faith like she was and is trying to force me to do with my daughter. Also I do not like how certain faith believers will try to force grieving parents to rid of their child's ashes on the day of their child's funural. The priest at my mother's church hadn't given my uncle any time to mourn properly before staying what he should do and not just make a suggestion on what should be done later on. (My cousin die from a motor vehicle accident and his ashes were split into two wooden boxes for his mother and his father.) And in the same day tried to talk me into baptizing my daughter.
Not being shy about my opinion on people pushing their faith unto me I told him my personal opinon on the subject and indicated (In a poliet way) I did not appriciate him trying to talk me into something that I had no interest in doing until my daughter has the intellegance to choose for herself. Needless to say my mother was appauled at my "attitude" towards "A man of GOD."
I know this was long and it jumped around a bit, and I apologize for that but I have strong opinions that if you want to believe in God or Shiba, or even a life after day do so, but don't expect anyone else to follow after you just because you have "faith" in what you believe. I personaly do not belong to one religion but pick what I like and what feels right to me and never tell someone they are wrong in believing in something different than I do. I've been put down and made fun off for being different and free of all peer pressure because it hurt worse to think that I had a lable and treated differently because of that lable. So I like what I like, I dress how I want and I act how I wanna act. I am going to do right by my daughter and I will be a great parent no matter how I may seem to everyone else who just happends to glance at me when I look my worse or I'm acting totally weired and wacky. :) Okay I'm done. Thank you for baring with me for a little while. =) haha!
Twilight_Moon. <3<3<3

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by foshisle 13 years ago

man, u go to school for a day and u just miss EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Acid 13 years ago

The PSU in my computer died a few days ago and i have been going insane with no pc!
Thankfully it's getting fixed tomorrow but i can't say what i was thinking not to mention my room stank from the near explosion and smoke coming from my pc -.-

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

Bravo, Twilight_moon, well said<3

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

KitKat I am impressed that you stood up for what you believe in when their wasno one elsewho was. Thank you. :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Hawkeye 13 years ago

@ Twilight_moon, you just basically summed up my whole entire experience at private catholic school. The teachers spent more time on religion than everything else, we went to church for an hour every wednsday morning, and I felt like I was being forced to believe something that I didn't believe IN. My opinion is that people should be able to CHOOSE what they want to believe in, and not be forced by their teachers, parents, grandmothers, ect.


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