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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

i meant a better. sorry :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sneasel 13 years ago

i Never said that all chrstians are like that. One of my best friends ever is Christian. And I like him so much because he takes the time to get to know other people and their beliefs and is genuinely interested in learning them and doesnt judge them at all.
In my family, however, i was grounded for several months for knowing that Islam has the EXACT same god as Judaism and Christianity. But Fox News alienates the Muslim faith, and so conservatives/Tea Party'ers(my family) seem to view them as something that simply sprang out of the dirt and should be annihilated.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

oh i've had good experiences with Christians too and i do not refer to the good ones as "bible thumpers" that term is reserved for the bad ones

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Zanybah 13 years ago

I've read this all and don't feel like getting involved any further. Heh heh! I'm out. Message me! XD

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

oh sorry. the way you wete talking ( typing?) made it seem as though you thougt all Christians were like that. i myself have not come across any 'bible thumpers'.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

'were' my thumbs are too fat for my ipod. :P

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Scout 13 years ago

I've never understood why non-christian religions are usually thought of as bad, or it's because they believe in whatever that they killed someone when there are plenty of Christian serial killers and murderers out there. It just urks me >.<

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

the holy crusades, the Spanish inquisition, Salem witch hunts, to a point Hitler, the world and history is filled with it

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

hey do you guys notice a trend in that line up,. killing in the name of religion, >.> and the trend continues ,. some form of Christianity or another was leading the mass murder , no offense to those of christian beliefs, but a lot of evil has been done in the name "God" i have met many wonderful Christians, but many more have been taught to hate to judge.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

and Hitler was just a man who thought he was god >.>


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