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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Zanybah 13 years ago

bkwrmi, kiraaxchaos, Love2Knot, and Sareana, I agree with you all completely!

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Zanybah 13 years ago

Foz, if you make one... I will SO join the conversation.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by foshisle 13 years ago

@foz yes this thread is starting to be annoying. it was unnessesary for such a negative thread, no offense stellaphone. im sorry to all i have offended with my chatspeak, but i will continue to use it. @sareana im aware it does not mean me in particular, it just felt that way. thank you for apologizing. i also love to read:). im sorry to all i have offended with my chatspeak, but i will continue to use it.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Hawkeye 13 years ago

I think that this was a good idea to begin with... but I dont think that it worked out to well.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Foz 13 years ago

I think this was an excellent idea to begin with. but when people are going to deliberately be as annoying as they possibly can and then attack everyone else for daring to voice their disapproval, that's what stirs up all this negativity.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

agreed, no one has personally attacked any one with their comments but others take the generalizations and opinions stated, personal, and that's when it all goes south. as long as people realize that those of us who have voiced our opinions here are not trying to single any one out it would be great, but unfortunately there will always be some one who feels singled out. i still think this is a good idea because it gives us a place to vent our complaints,
every one just needs to realize every one is entitled to their opinions. and learn not to get upset by it.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by pr3ttykitty 13 years ago

@ foshile i so agree tht just bcuz others dont like the way we speak duznt mean we shud stop speaking like tht im 11 seriously i hav nvr txtd with a single person tht duznt use txttalk and im not stupid either and i dont think ppl shud go saying tht we sound stupid cuz we dont were just typing in a way tht teens do. and were not doin it cuz we c other ppl doin it its just how were usd 2 typin

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by kiraaxchaos 13 years ago

@pr3ttykitty i used to type that way when i was 11 and i realized that it's wrong and i want people to see me as smart and not type " text talk" when this isn't a text message this is a forum..

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bkwrmi 13 years ago

Pr3ttykitty, if other people think it makes you sound stupid, why shouldn't they give their honest opinions?
In real life, you dress and speak a certain way to give the impression you want to. If you want to seem smart, you probably won't use bad grammar or much slang, and you'll probably dress in neat, clean clothes; if you show up in your pajamas and ignore the rules of the English language, you'll make a very different impression. Online, your first impression is made by how you express yourself. If you type normally and use good grammar, you'll seem intelligent and articulate. If you always use a lot of text talk, you'll come off as immature at best and at worst, stupid.
I'm not saying that you are stupid, but the way you type gives off a certain impression.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Scout 13 years ago

I agree. I hate chatspeak with a passion. Especially when you're not conversing with anyone and have time to have a thought out and read over comment. I mean, I understand that sometimes there are mistakes and things like plz or just little things like that aren't all that bad. But what really irks me is when someone just says 'cool' or something like that. One word responses that don't contribute to anything are just flat out annoying. Especially when 50% of your notifications are things like that. Also, I'm starting to wonder if people are trolling or something. I mean, to an extent, I understand that some people might not even know that the tutorial page exists, but when you see it with so many people and so often, I start to wonder, you know..? I mean, if anyone really wanted to learn they'd probably notice the tutorial link first and look into that before anything else. I don't know...just...people >.<


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