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Problems, tips, bugs

thread name replies author views last post
How to add a description, tags, etc. to a submitted normal patter?
I have tried submitting a few normal patterns. Two were rejected because they were too similar (I be
2 dog2879 688 16 days ago
by halokiwi
normal pattern generator
hii! I’m new to this website, not bracelet making. but I used the name pattern generator and I can’t
3 eviesknots 317 last month
by halokiwi
Favorite patterns
Can anyone please tell me how to access my "loved" patterns? Im very new to this website so any help
4 obxfan101 1283 2 months ago
by halokiwi
Patrón con logo de empresa
Hola! Soy nueva por aquí. Alguien me puede ayudar a generar un patrón con el logo de una empresa?
5 Aprietos 583 4 months ago
by halokiwi
I want to make a design in front of my name and after how do I save them together
2 Msbunny 462 6 months ago
by kleinevos
Alpha gen 2, want to test?
Hi everyone! I've been slaving in front of the computer in my spare time the last days to get a n
328 Stefan 81748 6 months ago
by loretomontt
How to generate 2b || !2b pattern
Hi, I am new here. Can some one help me generate a pattern of 2b || !2b. It's for my friend who is a
2 Bibibibi 496 9 months ago
by halokiwi
normal pattern generator
Hi, I'd like to create a pattern, where some knots are skipped in certain rows. But I can only ch
2 MiriPiri 479 9 months ago
by halokiwi
Kumihimo Generator Bug
I'm sure, that this is a known bug, but sometimes, when I click on a circle in the generator to chan
1 halokiwi 443 10 months ago
by kleinevos
Can I save a new pattern to GIF without sending it to moderators for potential addition to the site?
I've been teaching the girls on summer camp a specific zig zag bracelet with 11 strands and I'd like
0 EllieP 421 11 months ago
by EllieP

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