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Problems, tips, bugs

thread name replies author views last post
How do I use the kumihimo generator
I have no idea what I'm doing someone pls help
1 Knz_cali 942 3 years ago
by kleinevos
Favorite patterns
Can anyone please tell me how to access my "loved" patterns? Im very new to this website so any help
2 obxfan101 855 3 years ago
by obxfan101
How do you view a saved regular pattern?
I just reproduced a pattern with opposite colors, where can I go to view it even if it's pending?
2 Smoothrolling 839 3 years ago
by kleinevos
Name Pattern Rows
I'm using the name pattern generator to create a bracelet with a short quote on it. My only problem
3 SheWolf430 1545 3 years ago
by kleinevos
Error message when submitting patterns?
Hi! I was just trying to submit a pattern via the normal pattern generator, but when I clicked 'save
2 SHARKz7 813 3 years ago
by SHARKz7
Pending pattern
Hello! I've just created a pattern that is now pending (#102947). I verified before posting but di
2 Odanak1811 759 4 years ago
by Odanak1811
printing and sharing
has things changed... was able to print patterns out and also share patterns to other apps. now not
2 Sthpaw72 837 4 years ago
by Sthpaw72
I don't know how to work this thing it's really difficult
1 Peanut420 709 4 years ago
by kleinevos
Submitting patterns
[b]Message for every pattern maker:[/b] Please make sure you have read our faq about why a pattern
0 kleinevos 719 4 years ago
by kleinevos
Trying to share a pattern to instagram and says unable to load image. Always been able to in past
0 Sthpaw72 639 4 years ago
by Sthpaw72

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