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normal pattern generator by eviesknots 21 days ago

hii! I’m new to this website, not bracelet making. but I used the name pattern generator and I can’t figure out what the arrow pointing down means. thank uu

RE : normal pattern generator by BlueG 21 days ago

Name generator creates "alpha" pattern. In those you either do a knot with the main/leading string (its color) - arrows going left-to-right or right-to-left, or you create knot with non-leading string - arrows going down.

You can check this tutorial: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/152

RE : normal pattern generator by BlueG 21 days ago

Or https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/2 is even better for absolute beginners

RE : normal pattern generator by halokiwi 21 days ago

The arrows pointing down are knots made with the base strings onto the leading strings. They are regular forward and backward knots. This method of tying two-colour alphas is very beginner friendly.

Did you have a typo in the title? Your question does not seem to be about normal patterns, but about alpha patterns.


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