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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by foshisle 13 years ago

ppl!!!! we're teens! im 13 nd i use chtspeak all the time!!! itz wht ppl our age group do. ok?????? so plz stop with the chtspeak thing. we get it. 3 million ppl dont need to say it ova nd ova again.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Zanybah 13 years ago

I don't have anything against those who do chatspeak all the time, but it bothers me personally. I am 14 and I can spell correctly. When I don't know how to spell something... dictionary.com

I'm a grammer and spelling perfectionist so I don't take my own personal expectations and put them on others because I know not to. Most kids use chatspeak because they can't spell worth a crap. There fault. I know a few kids who turn in essays with chatspeak because they can't spell. It annoys me, but that's just me.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Zanybah 13 years ago

So when you see someone who can't spell work crap - giggle to yourself, even think "[cough] idiot [cough]", but let's not get mad at them or judge.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bkwrmi 13 years ago

foshisle -You say that as though it is a universal proclimation, as though you speak on behalf of teens everywhere (you don't), and whether or not it's a common practice, it's an annoying one.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by kiraaxchaos 13 years ago

fohisle, 13 years old you should be able to spell correctly. When you don't you make it seem as if you aren't mature or smart you just look stupid and annoying in my personal opinion i don't know if you are or not.. but the way you type does show a lot about the person.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Love2Knot 13 years ago

I agree with kiraaxchaos im the same way i sometimes dont see anything smart in a person when they type really weird or like all the words are spelled totally wrong..... ( somtimes depends on the person) some mis-spelled word r ok in my personal opinion but not every word should be wrong.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Sareana 13 years ago

i Agree with all of you, and i would rather see miss-spelled words then see chat speak, i love to read, i devour books, but my spelling is horrid. and i admit it!, I'm also slightly dyslexic so that tends to pop its ugly head in from time to time and mess with my typing skills. but chat speak( while i can read it just fine) is a big pet peeve of mine, i guess it comes from years of free form Role Play, where it was required for you type correctly and any one who used chat speak was automatically blown off and ignored.

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Wow, I'm enjoying this :) I am twelve and use chatspeak on Facebook with my friends, but that's about it...I am OCD so I freak if I spell something wrong on here :) So basically, I get irritated when other people use chatspeak on here, but use it myself on social-networking sites. Call me hypocritical, but that's just me :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by Hawkeye 13 years ago

@foshisle; I actually am a teen about your age, and I pretty much never use chatspeak. I pretty much only use chatspeak when I'm in a hurry to go somewhere.

@Zanybah; I also am a grammer and spelling perfectionist :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by kiraaxchaos 13 years ago

Stellaphone, i do the same thing but it's different... social networking is one thing but this is like a thread yaknow? i admit i use LMAO LMFAO LOL and what not but other than that, i type as correctly as i possibly can, (:


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