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NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by westerngamer 13 years ago

Long time lurker and pattern maker....
I've just searched through 30+ pages of alpha patterns and there were only a few that weren't names or random letters that mean little except to the people who understand their meaning. Is there any way to limit the number of VERY SIMILAR FONT names and words in the alpha patterns??
It was very frustrating to me and probably to others as well...

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by Tsoukaleika 13 years ago

I totally agree. I already contacted Stefan about this and he wrote the following:

Hi! A solution for the letters is coming up. There will be a special bracelet type called Alphabet and they will contain all letters in a cool font. The users should be able to input their name and then it appears as a pattern in front of them. The alphabets will be saveable, but not the names.

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by suzwe 13 years ago

this is a great idea!

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by westerngamer 13 years ago

Like suzwe said, that is a great idea. I can't wait for them to impliment it. It's going to make looking through the alpha patterns MUCH less frustrating!!!

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

Sorry for not answering your question, westerngamer! I just realized I'm not very active in my own forum, lol.

The alphabet thing will be awesome. No more name patterns that take up the whole web. In fact, when the alphabets are implemented, every new name pattern will be rejected. We will encourage users to make full alphabets instead.

Do you have any other ideas related to this? I'm open for suggestions.

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by fbmagic 13 years ago

wait so does that mean that if you have like a brand name or like store name with symbol on it you won't accept those anymore?!?!

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

Good point. What I meant was plain text patterns. Most brand logotypes can obviously not be turned into a full alphabet so I guess they are an exception.


even names that r in diferent and big cool fonts, and not the ordinary type like the word ALPHA in the generator is made which more than 50% of the users create..i make name patterns requests but in different fonts and others r they accepted or not?:-? and the existing ones r deleted or what?:-?

RE: NO MORE NAME ALPHA PATTERNS PLEASE!!!! by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

Any font will be uploadable (some copyright rules may be applied here though). Therefore, any text you want can be arranged by uploading the full alphabet instead of just the word you want. If you make a name pattern anyway, it will probably be deleted because they are just filling up the site. Instead, make an alphabet with the same font.

An existing name pattern will be deleted if there is a alphabet which can produce the same pattern. Or something like that.


k Stefan tks^^ and i agree but so many ppl request alpha patterns that already existst in fonts but they just dont pcik the letters from an alhpabet to make the word..there r so many request like " can someone make an alpha pattern with the name xXxXx?" like why cant they just pick the letters from an alphabet and make it on their own?:-?


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