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RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Oh, it would feel SOOOO good! But it would be pointless. She's deceived herself into believing she pulls her own weight and that she's doing a great job. I keep waiting for my boss's boss to ask me what's going on. When he does, I'm gonna fill his plate! *Sigh* If I'd only listened to Momma all those years ago and gone on to college, I wouldn't be in that friggin' factory today...but I'd probably be dealing with another just like her no matter what kind of job I had. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Foz 13 years ago

we must work in the same place! ;-) these good-for-nothing show-offs are everywhere, and somehow they manage to always convince those in charge of their intelligence and good work ethic, while everyone else is secretly knotting little voodoo dolls... ah, c'est la vie :-)

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by FatnSassy 13 years ago


RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Sareana 13 years ago

yes, those types of people are every where, its sad ,. and , no,. no voodoo dolls,.. i believe in karma, and the power of three, what ever you send out into the world you will get it back times 3, so i try to do good,. i fail more then i like but i try ,...

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Foz 13 years ago

that's a good motto to live by, though, and we'd all be better off if more people were a little more considerate towards others. and I know sweet, sweet nothin' about voodoo! for me it's just the idea of holding some sort of control in a crappy situation ;-) although I'd be really hesitant to touch or incorporate anything, hair or otherwise, from people that annoy me so badly! *blurgh*

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Yeah, I believe in that motto myself. I try to do good, even if it means I have to bite my tongue off to keep from saying too much. Just knowing that someday these people will reap what they sow is enough to keep me from exploding (for the moment, anyway ;))

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 13 years ago

Ah the pagan/wiccan way of thinking, I'm exactly the same. I always think everything happens for a reason and that karma does kick your ass if you don't behave.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Think karma would use my foot to do the kicking? Wishful thinking... Patience pays off in the end, I know. I've seen it time and time again. More times than not these people kick themselves in the butt if you'll just stand back and let them.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Sareana 13 years ago

old saying, and i don't remember if this is the correct quote. "give a person enough rope, and eventually they'll hang themselves."

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Huntress 13 years ago

I am the same way Karma will teach you a lesson if you don't listen the first time.

Another quote like Sareana's: "You can lead a horse to water,but you can't make it drink."


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