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RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Foz 12 years ago

try as I might, I can NOT get used to people uploading pictures to random patterns. I don't think anyone realises that some other silly fool has to go looking for the corresponding patterns because they WERE TOO LAZY TO DO IT THEMSELVES *grumbles* and then I'm left to choose between leaving another mod to do the work (yeah, right!), deleting the stupid pictures because I really quite feel like it, or going on a hunt for those elusive patterns. ack, I need chocolate :-(

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Neanie 12 years ago

Well I have been a moderator on a forumn before and I would say if they can't upload the picture to the right pattern then it should be deleted. Maybe for the first time send them a private message and tell them that there picture was deleted and they need to upload it to the right pattern. As mods you have far more important things to do than monitor what people do. We have to take the time and energy to help out here to, to keep the site running smoothly.
Thats my two cents.
Thanks for everything you do I love this site I am junked out on it LOL..

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

I find it more annoying when either people are too lazy to upload the right bracelet to the right pattern which means you have to spend ages finding it or people uploading the same photo for several tutorials that are...oh wait the same! It annoys me no end!!! And to top it off despite being able to do buckles i still after 17 years can't seem to get it right when I start a bracelet *sigh*

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Neanie 12 years ago

LOL Acid its just one of those days for you.. I am sending you big ((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))
I will make sure to upload a few pics in the wrong places just for you LOL.. I am just kidding I wouldn't do that..

PEOPLE STOP UPLOADING PICS TO THE WRONG PATTERNS - save the pattern to your favorites so you can go back and upload the picture to the RIGHT PATTERN..

Hope that helps..

Have a good one :)

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Foz 12 years ago

poor Acid! what's wrong with your buckle? I just started a bracelet, and even though it only had 30 threads the beginning looks mangled :-( every once in a while my magic dwindles, and my skill deserts me :-P and please don't get me started on multiple posts of the same picture! pointless and... that's all I've got. pointless. then again, I don't understand the necessity to post two different pictures of the same bracelet either ;-P

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by twinsgq 12 years ago

I have to agree with you Foz, it's not necissary! It's just pointless! One photo dores the job. Along with when you have the same bracelet and like 4 different angles in 4 photos. I'm with you on that!

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by bracelet_baker 12 years ago

i agree with you too Foz and twinsgq. just because you really like the bracelets that you made or want people to think that you have a lot of photos because they might think that means you have made a lot of bracelets when you have only made 3.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

my buckle was fine, i just messed up the start and tried undoing it and grrrrr I think i'm destined to be the plaitting queen, now i've spotted i messed up quite far into it although the strings are in the right order.......it's too hot here!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrr!!

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by RockePloeger 12 years ago

Poor Acid :(

I will send you a long distance hug. I'm glad I switched to ribbon clamps so I don't have to worry about buckles anymore

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Foz 12 years ago

I don't know what's worse -- a silly wonky mess of a beginning or having to undo it because of a mistake :-( that's just time-consuming and irritating, and totally against everything I think knotting should be! now, hugs on the other hand... ;-)


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