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RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by meg14 12 years ago

Really? I am going to have to try that line on people. maybe they will stop asking me.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Acid 12 years ago

It's true as soon as I quote a price they go maybe not. Infact only one time recently (with the pink space invader) has it back fired but I was £4 better off ;)

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Stellaphone 12 years ago

I'll have to try that, too! I usually just intentionally wait a while to make their bracelets and see how much they REALLY want one, and if they forget, so do I :) But some of them have been requesting like 60- to 70-strand bracelets that I just can't do! I've told a few classmates to just go off on their own and try to make it because I don't have that much free time, but usually they'll just end up being rude and ignored :P

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by meg14 12 years ago

I know I intentionally forget too sometimes, and same here they ask for ones 60-70 strand bracelets too that I'll never get to because I just don't have that much time to do those.

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Killshotz 12 years ago

I still have a problem were I'm not aloud to sell my bracelet creations in school but they let girls sell their duct tape creations. But my teacher found it unfair and bought one. BUT IM STILL NOT ALOUD TO SELL THEM EVEN FOR BUSINESS CLASSES!! So I'm outraged ...

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by RockePloeger 12 years ago

Not related to bracelets but still pisses me off...

I was working with a client who was handicapped and UPS came to deliver a package so I met them in the square out in front of the apartment building and the delivery driver dragged the 120lb box across the road and left it in the middle of the square for me to take up!!

And how am I supposed to do that on my own? He knew the lady was in a wheelchair and when I told him he replied that he knew but they didn't deliver to apartment buildings and he didn't want to get a ticket!

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by FatnSassy 12 years ago

Ugh! What's happened to common courtesy?

Today I was in Walmart with my daughter shopping for her dorm supplies, and we found a small refrigerator like she wanted. We were struggling trying to get it into the buggy, and 2--yes, 2--employees walked right past us like they didn't see us trying to load the thing into the buggy. Then when we got to the car, we were trying to figure out how to load it, and this man and his wife were walking by and he so generously offered to put it into the car for us. Shame he won't get a payroll check from Walmart since he did more to help us than they did...

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Aiyanna 12 years ago

I hear you @fatnsassy! similar thing happened today at target.....we were getting in line to ring up, and someone's kid was screaming at the top of their lungs throughout the whole store....so were like ok...weve seen this type of stuff before, were kinda used to it now....................and then just our luck, the lady and her screaming kid happened to pick our line, lol. The kid was still screaming, except now they were five feet away from us. She didnt say or do anything to the kid, just let it go on screaming!! she acted like nothing was happening and completely ignored it.
So ok, maybe if your child crying a little bit i can understand....but for the sake of everyone else, at least make some type of effort! :(

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Huntress 12 years ago

That is bad about the kid screaming bloody murder. I'm a bit mad because of a few things. One thing not being able to tell anyone in my family that I'm having this lovely baby. Two, my doctors appointment got changed so I don't know when I get to see her next month. Lastly, the fact that I need a job because I can't fit into more than one pair of shorts and my tops are becoming tight now. I do know one thing though it will be worth it in the end.lol

RE: The new Anger/annoyence thread! by Sareana 12 years ago

oh huntress,. you cant tell your family,. damn thats gotta hurt and suck on so many levels, kids are wonderful,. but very nerve wracking, and they dont come with instructions or manuals ,.. each kid is different ,. all i can say is ,. good luck LOL
@ Sassy, thats so horrid ,. but the world is well,. yeah , i'll be nice ,. but there are still good people out there!!


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