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(( Projects )) Macrame Pouch Tutorial

http://nimuae.deviantart.com/art/Pouch-Tutorial-Part-I-Bottom-314899434 (to view this you need a deviantArt account)

Hello People! :)

This is a larger tutorial about how to knot a macramee pouch...

For this version you need 98 double strings (up to 14 colours - if you want to, but you could also use only 2 - I used 11, some of them twice, some 3 times) - each as long as possible (about 150 cm, so, if folded, each string is around 75cm) - colours are your choice.
But don't be afraid, you start with 7 strings only and the other strings will be inserted later.
At the end of this tutorial I added a picture that shows the string order!

For to get a better view of the pictures click on "full view" below and use the magnifier of your browser, or save them and open them with some graphic software... also on deviantART you'll have to option to magnify the image if you click on it

Other tutorials and patterns, that could be helpful to do this:
Mandala Flower Tutorial: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=992
Plaid Pattern: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=4990

Leave Bracelets Tutorial: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=1201
Buckle Tutorial: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=3282
Tube Bracelet Tutorial: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=148

Part I:
First you start with this Mandala Flower as bottom of the pouch:
Full View: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/197/e/b/pouch_tutorial_part_i__bottom__by_nimuae-d57hdyi.png

Part II:
With this step you augment the bottom Mandala Flower:
Full View: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/197/6/b/pouch_tutorial_part_ii__bottom__by_nimuae-d57he9l.png

Part III:
With this step you turn the Flower shape into a circular shape
Full View: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/197/6/4/pouch_tutorial_part_iii_by_nimuae-d57hel8.png

Part IV:
Will show you how to knot the body of your pouch and how to make loops at the end:

For this part you need a plaid pattern like this: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=4990
And you should know how to tie a squareknot: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=260

You need scissors and glue...

Full View: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/227/c/e/pouch_tutorial_part_iv__body_and_loops__by_nimuae-d5b6e2w.png

Part V:
Will show you how to make a cord to close the pouch:

Full View: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/228/6/4/pouch_tutorial_part_v__cord_and_finished_pouch__by_nimuae-d5bcdmy.png

Thank you for trying :)


The original author of this tutorial is Nimue but it was also edited by Tayrex, Kestrel, ririttt, k_marie, bundoo, nico351manu, Foz, PanyOlga13, kleinevos, Blubberina, G_Y_Purple and Jeannine.

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