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DMC creating gaps by AmberB 7 years ago

Maybe it's just me and I need more practice, but does anyone else get gaps between their knots when using DMC thread? I've used cheap no-named brands of the same thickness and gotten nice, tight knots with no gaps, but every time I use the DMC thread the knots gap.

is this just me?

RE: DMC creating gaps by Tuzyae 7 years ago

I'm not sure. I almost exclusively use DMC and don't have too many gap issues.

RE: DMC creating gaps by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Maybe the DMC is more slippery? That's the only possible explanation. Many people here use DMC, I have also used it a few times. If you knot tight enough you will not have visible gaps.

RE: DMC creating gaps by Allison98 7 years ago

Are you not doing it tight enough? I use DMC but don't get gaps. You can check my pictures to see. When I first started my knots weren't tight enough so there would be dots or gaps between knots.

RE: DMC creating gaps by Tuzyae 7 years ago

There is also a bit of a balance. Too tight and you will get gaps. Too loose and you get gaps.

RE: DMC creating gaps by AmberB 7 years ago

My problem may be that I'm knotting too tight AND that the string may be too silky. I'll give it some more practice. Thanks for the replies.

RE: DMC creating gaps by Arachne 7 years ago

I usually wash and block my bracelets to flatten them out and prevent a bumpy/gappy look.

RE: DMC creating gaps by RazzleDazzle 5 years ago

I know this is an old thread but I'm having the same problem. Lots of gapping holes in my work and when I try to pull tight enough on the first half of the knot to get the second half on tight as well, I flip the knot above-right of the knot I'm making. I've got gaps and holes and flipped knots all over the place. Any new advice on this? I am using DMC and I've been pinning my work down as close to the working line as possible.

RE: DMC creating gaps by kleinevos (moderator) 5 years ago

Keep practicing, that?s the main advice.
It depends a lot on the knots you are making but also on the thread you are using if knots flip easily or not. I barely ever have flipped knots with the threads I?m using, cotton crochet-yarn.
I never pin my work down like that, only the start of the work.
Maybe try another kind of thread?

RE: DMC creating gaps by RazzleDazzle 5 years ago

Thank you, kleinevos. I'll check into a different kind of thread. Does the cotton crochet yarn come in smaller quantities that what I see on my google results? Also, what thread size are you using?


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