
was donated
RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

@Socair - yes, you were entirely rude. "You mean the moderators dislike a few people (namely you)" - whether as a question or as a statement - is rude. It implies a disparaging remark no matter how you cut it. Your reply was scathing, condescending, and flat out rude. If you don't see it that way then perhaps you need to take lessons in PR and understand how wordage and tone used can effect what you say, because it's obvious you don't.

Also - this "blank pattern when rejected on my phone" problem has happened for a YEAR - with repeated refreshes. So again... you've failed to make any valid point. In addition - quite frankly I'm done with you. If you're not a moderator then this is none of your concern and your opinion means very little to me. After such rude replies anything you say to me is going to be brushed off as irrelevant. Aside from all of this - my question was to the moderators about the rejection of my pattern - not some random user with no authority or knowledge involving this specific situation altogether. Perhaps you should learn to mind your own business if you don't appreciate being called out for exactly what you're doing.

@ Carrie

Suddenly, patterns that had previously been accepted are disappearing. I don't need to ask why this is because it's apparently an attempt to back up the claim that patterns without photos were rejected - even though they were NOT rejected previously and only since this conversation have they disappeared. How do I know this? ... because I saved and screencapped them all JUST LAST NIGHT in the event this got complicated. Along with this entire conversation today AND my inbox.

Claiming that "All the patterns you've made without photos have been rejected. " and then subsequently DELETING and/or rejecting (one was rejected, my Alpha pattern is just gone) said patterns immediately afterwards doesn't actually prove anything other than you're for some reason singling ME out now. Backing up a false claim by doing something like this is... well. No offense, but this site isn't going to get a very good reputation from me and my friends after this. This is just too much and you guys are just apparently entirely too rude and - this time I WILL specify more clearly for those who apparently can't read - BIASED against me and/or the "DBSK" patterns for no good reason at all here.

I was under the impression that the point of this site was to create and share the love of bracelet-making and give a venue for those with this passion to make and share patterns they like, or make for personal use. I didn't know until after this situation that it's apparently a site created for only *specific* patterns that the moderators choose to LIKE to be shared or used - or that users and moderators on this site could be so outright insulting, hedge around topics (none of my questions have actually been ANSWERED outright - just hedged around the entire time - leading me to the conclusion that apparently someone just doesn't *like* DBSK for some reason and is rejecting it on that basis. If you wanted me to have any other impression, you should have actually answered me instead of giving me generic answers that don't even make sense within the context of the situation.), single people out (I also screencapped that little comment made to another user about moderators rejecting patterns of users they have complications with FYI) regardless of whether the pattern is good or usable or not, etc.

The ethics you guys go by as siteowners and/or moderators are quite frankly disgusting and bordering on utterly nonexistent going by this example. You should honestly consider your reputation as a site before treating users so poorly.

PS - don't even worry about this entire situation - approval/rejection/like/dislike - anymore as I just simply won't be using this site anymore other than to access the generator and screencap my patterns pre-saving to post and use elsewhere. Which - by the way - coincides exactly with your little ever-changing "rules" (which I've also screencapped in the event THEY up and suddenly change as well, too):

"User content and copyright

Any user content (material uploaded by users such as PATTERNS, photos etc) belongs to the respective user. The original creator of the content has got copyright on it and decides what happens with it."

Since this is the only option I see left and I have no wish to be affiliated with a site with such deplorable ethics and moderation processes, then this is just what I'll do. Also - the reply you made AFTER I had just finished typing this doesn't help at all. Creating a rule suddenly and then deleting things after it's been brought to attention is still utterly disgusting and only serves to give the impression that you're attempting to back up an action made to specifically single out "DBSK" for some reason. This rule never existed in anyone's knowledge until I had this problem - so I find it difficult to believe, sifting through your PR-esque reply, that this is simply coincidence. Also I love how you're suddenly " in the process of rejecting these patterns" even though they were previously accepted and only AFTER I've brought the inconsistency to light... you guys are just amazing *shakes head*. Truly, utterly amazing. And not in a good way.

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

As I mentioned before, we are attempting to clean up the site of patterns that only a few people would use. Your patterns have fallen in that category, and since you brought out attention to them, they have since been rejected.

I don't know why you're pointing out that you're screen capping this conversation. I don't see what you'd do with it. I speak for all of the moderators here.

I'm very sorry that you feel singled out, but you don't know the dozens of patterns we are finding daily and rejecting. If you want to continue to be small minded and self-cented, that's fine. We would be happy for users like you to leave the site if you're going to act childishly and waste our time by making us reply to things that have already been addressed previously.

I will outright tell you that DBSK will only be ever used by you or your friends, therefore has no place being a searchable pattern on the site. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear earlier.

On the bottom of the terms of use, it states: We reserve the right to update and modify these rules as the needs of the community dictate to ensure the smooth operation of this community.

I would also like to point out some other rules that you have broken:
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.

The "copyright holder" clause is in regards to people's patterns being stolen and that user deciding if it stays on the site or not. Your name pattern does not fall into that category.

I think your time would be better spent making bracelets rather than fighting with a moderator over such a trivial matter.

RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

Actually... all of my screencaps and what happened here are cycling facebook as we speak thanks to YOUR rudeness.

Also... it's "self-centered", not cented LOL

"I will outright tell you that DBSK will only be ever used by you or your friends, therefore has no place being a searchable pattern on the site. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear earlier."

so basically - the moderators don't like the pattern and in their ignorance of how many people would have seen the link after it was approved and I posted it to other fans who WOULD use it, they rejected it instead. I see that.

I didn't break ANY rules until Socair and you 1. were incredibly rude to ME first, and I will NOT sit idly by and just take it, 2. you LIED to me and then attempted to "clean house" to prove a point that was never valid beforehand to cover your OWN butt, and 3. I even *specified* as much in my posts that I wasn't trying to personally attack anyone or be rude UNTIL they were rude to me first.

If anyone is being childish and self CENTERED here - it's the moderators of this site who would not only reject a pattern on such a trivial basis themselves, but also go back and delete other patterns out of unjustified spite and then hedge around the topic entirely as well as lie to me and do such under-handed actions afterwards on top of it.

Thankfully, others who are seeing what's happened agree with me. Have fun with that.

RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

oh and PS - your "copyright clause" only currently states exactly what is screencapped and pasted which is that I retain the rights to any patterns *I* make and am the sole decisive owner behind where they are shared afterwards - it does NOT specify "name patterns". You seem to be having a lot of problems with that particular specification lately.

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

You can do whatever you want with your patterns. It doesn't mean we're going to accept them. End of discussion, move on with your life.


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