
was donated
RE: rejected by chibi_ragnarok 11 years ago


RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

They're very simple and that makes them very hard to knot. We recommend for alphas that you don't freehand them, but take an image, resize it, and clear it up. This tutorial might help you out.

RE: rejected by zyx99 11 years ago

ive also been tryin 2 make alphas and normal patterns but all 6 have gotten rejected so i dont bo wat 2 do
so wat do i do wen all my patterns get rejrcted?

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

Just try looking at the ones that are accepted, and try to see what yours lacks compared to those. Then you can get a good idea of what we accept. However, don't make copies or look alikes, because those will not be accepted.

RE: rejected by zyx99 11 years ago

wait y does ur name have moderater next 2 it so does that mean ur the 1s that chooses wich 1s r and rnt accepted
i thought the computer did that not peoples

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

No, we're humans. Also, I would really appreciate it if you typed real words, it sucks to have to read another language.

RE: rejected by zyx99 11 years ago

okay so basicaly you'r the one who rejected my bracelets (no offence or anything). And i dont really see it as another language it's an abbreveation for the words and it's faster, i'll try to write right okay.

RE: rejected by Foz 11 years ago

keep in mind that not everyone here speaks English, and if they try to translate abbreviations it won't work. it's a sign of respect to use the correct words.

and there are a number of moderators on the site who are responsible for accepting and rejecting patterns.

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

A pattern is voted on by at least three moderators before it is rejected or accepted.

RE: rejected by zyx99 11 years ago

um okay............


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