
was donated
RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

Keep in mind that if you're rude to us on the forums, we remember your usernames and tend to dislike your patterns even more when voting ;)

RE: rejected by giraffekid 11 years ago

I created an alpha pattern that said "Kasey" and it was rejected! Why?

RE: rejected by Foz 11 years ago

because it was a simple name pattern. there's a disclaimer on the alpha generator page, telling you "DO NOT POST SIMPLE NAME PATTERNS! They will not be accepted." and there's a FAQ on rejected patterns too, which you should check if we put no reason in the description box of the rejected pattern.

RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

I have this problem too and already messaged a moderator/webmaster but am still entirely confused. He said that it was because it was a specific text and not a full alphabet. I keep getting a *specific* text NORMAL pattern rejected and even making changes to it hasn't worked. Every pattern I have made before has been specific text and went through just fine - 5 normal and 1 alpha. A friend of mine has made specific text patterns before that went through just fine as well - AND I see them on the site all the time. Why is "DBSK" being singled out? Even with a heart added so that it's not entirely specific text? Why is there no warning on the normal pattern generator about specific text being unwanted if that's what you guys prefer? It would be a "sign of respect" to let users know this ahead of time before they've wasted a long time to make a pattern they want to use themselves and then wait for days after for it to be moderated just to have it rejected. -_-" Why is this not consistent universally? I'm sorry but I've been waiting at least a week for answers and this is getting very frustrating for me because I just can't understand why the moderators are being so biased here. I'm honestly not trying to be rude either, but this inconsistency is the message that sends to me. I want it clear that this is NOT a personal attack to the mods so if it's taken that way I do apologize - I just want answers and to understand this is all.

RE: rejected by Kestrel 11 years ago

Biased? You mean the moderators dislike a few people (namely you) specifically?

Rules change. You have been given the answer you are going to be given, and I don't understand why you think you are going to get a different one by making the issue "public" rather than keeping it private.

I have this thought for you though - if you want to use it yourself, why are you complaining about it being rejected. You understand that you can still access the rejected pattern *yourself* and make it, *and* upload a picture to it, right?

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out to us. All the patterns you've made without photos have been rejected. You can still access them in your rejected patterns, when you go to your patterns > pending. If you post photos, we usually reconsider, but your patterns are too personal for anyone else to make on the site.

RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

...except that I CAN'T, firstly - the pattern link even for ME logged in doesn't show anything on the page at all - it's a page from this site with the pattern number but the pattern itself is BLANK and shows nothing. I access the patterns through my *phone* when I'm making bracelets and it does this. I don't know whether that's a glitch specific to me or not but it's what happens and I can't change it.

Secondly - I was NOT rude with anyone here, I just wanted to understand. I even reiterated that that was NOT my intention several times - and yet you are being BLATANTLY rude to me for no good reason at all (and it's been screencapped, FYI). I did not say "biased" to mean they disliked *me* I very *specifically* said - and I quote - "Why is "DBSK" being singled out?" implying that "biased" is being directed towards *this specific pattern and/or variations thereof*. There is absolutely NO need to be so rude to someone who's used this site for so long and promoted it any and everywhere to any and everyone who would listen because I *LIKE* this site otherwise I wouldn't even BE here. Quite frankly by this point I'm questioning my judgement on that altogether after such a rude reply.

So the rules changed suddenly with NO warning and no mention made for THIS specific pattern within a few DAYS time?? I don't understand that. Also the answer I got was specifically -

" Stefan wrote (4 days ago)

It may have gotten rejected because it just contains text. We try to favor full alphabet patterns (including A to Z) instead of specific simple text patterns like these.
I first thought that this rule only was applied on Alpha patterns. However, I'll talk to the mods. "

- implying that it was going to be looked into and I obviously expected some sort of resolution and/or more information to follow afterwards. Yet, after replying and patiently waiting afterwards - and having a SECOND pattern rejected - I decided to see if there was a forum topic similar to this where I could get a definitive answer and since I did indeed find a related topic - I figured the moderator I had contacted may not get online frequently and I decided to ask here as well to get an answer. This wasn't done with the intentions of private vs. public or one moderator over another. This was only done because it's been days with no answer afterwards. Had I gotten a reply I wouldn't have needed to ask here at all.

RE: rejected by babygirladdy 11 years ago

@Carrie thank you for a much more appropriate, mature, and better-handled reply, firstly.

However, the previous patterns I've made were accepted before I uploaded the photo to them. The exact order that process went in was 1. create pattern, 2. it was approved, 3. use phone to make pattern & take picture after, and 4. upload photo to pattern when done.

Also... my friend and others have used my patterns before as well, so even though they're personal and it may not show on the site, other people have been using them..

RE: rejected by Kestrel 11 years ago

Excuse me? I'd appreciate it if you didn't throw a hissy fit at me purely because my answer wasn't one you liked. In essence, I told you the exact same thing Carrie did, only without the moderator bit behind it because hey, I'm not a moderator.

I haven't been rude. I've been blunt, maybe, but not rude. Baiting me won't help you either if you're looking for help. I asked for clarification on your biased comment, there was no insult thrown in there.

And I can completely understand you're going to hate this next bit of my reply, but I'll say it anyway: often refreshing the page will help show up patterns and/or photos that obviously exist but aren't showing up or whatever reason.

RE: rejected by Carrie 11 years ago

Stefan is the webmaster, so he mostly deals with creating the site, not moderating it. The issues that deal with what gets accepted/rejected are decided generally by us, unless Stefan has a big problem with it. He brought it to our attention in the moderator forum, which only moderators have access to.

For normal patterns, we do have patterns for each individual letter on the site, but if you don't like those you're still welcome to post your own font or name/initial pattern. However, please don't expect these to be accepted.

We're in the process of rejecting these patterns, because only a few people will use them. If it's not a pattern that the majority of people on the site could possibly make, we won't accept it. It would just clutter the site too much. Your patterns must have been accepted before we made this rule.

If your friends want to use them, we suggest saving the image of the pattern and emailing it to them.

As for the rejected patterns not showing up, this seems like a bug, so I would file a report for Stefan to get at when he comes back.


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