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RE: Generator 2.0 by Frosty 13 years ago

Hmm, is there any chance you could give me the code under the pattern so I can have a look at it and see if I can work out what is happening?

RE: Generator 2.0 by Sareana 13 years ago

its my own design,. been through all 8 string patterns and have seen similar but none exact!,. we can PM this is you like?

RE: Generator 2.0 by Sareana 13 years ago

((alpha generator))
genorates pattren in square's ,add or detract squares by length and width, and a "fill tool" applicator for the color pallet. since alphas are prety much graph designs, that would be the simpliest way to go about a alpha genorator in my opinion :)

RE: Generator 2.0 by Hiccups 12 years ago

I don't know if this is the right place to put this since this seems to be an old thread, but I have a suggestion for the generators if/when Stefan the Magnificent has time. (Bats eyelashes shamelessly) Would it be possible to add some sort of a "colors used" bar on the generators' color pickers so that if we need to go back to a color we used earlier in the pattern, we can click on the "colors used" bar and choose it easily instead of making the mistake of picking a similar color that isn't the same as what we really wanted and thus making our pattern more colors than what we meant to? I think most of us have done it and then noticed once the pattern was done that there's one off string running through the bracelet. Or, we can't find the original color while we're making the bracelet and it drives us crazy. I think this would be very useful. Just a suggestion. : ) Thanks.

RE: Generator 2.0 by Stefan (moderator) 12 years ago

@Hiccups Yes, it is in fact planned, and this tools is supposed to be integrated in all of the generators for my and your convenience.

Sorry for not actively developing things here, I am at the moment deep down in another web app development project. As soon as we're done with next release I am going to jump back on this project.

RE: Generator 2.0 by Hiccups 12 years ago

Fantastic! That would be so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much.


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