
was donated
1212 generator by princess_5775 12 years ago

Is it possible to make a generator dedicated to 1212 pattens? It takes so long to set the regular generator up to make the patterns.

RE: 1212 generator by Rachel_D 12 years ago

You mean like have the knots only change from fbk to bfk, instead of fk to bk to fbk to bfk?

RE: 1212 generator by poplover1997 12 years ago

i think there needs to be a whole section for that because i was just trying to find a cool pattern that wasnt 1212

RE: 1212 generator by princess_5775 12 years ago

Yes, a generator that would only change from fbk to bfk, instead of fk to bk to fbk to bfk.

RE: 1212 generator by Rachel_D 12 years ago

That does seem like it would make it a lot easier. But still, you can survive using the normal generator. So I don't think this would be at the top of Stefans list of updates.

RE: 1212 generator by Stefan (moderator) 12 years ago

You're right, Rachel. I have already the 1212 generator in the todo-list but I have for sure a lot of other things that I prioritize before that. Sorry.

Stefan, webmaster


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