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CupHearts wrote 14 years ago

Does anyone know how to do like a poptart alpha? I'll show you how: http://www.waterworldrec.com/Pop%20Tarts%20logo.jpg OR http://www.polymerclaydaily.com/images/mossy_owl_poptart.jpg Could someone try to do the logo and the poptart? Ty ~Bongoaway

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Dancer4Life wrote 14 years ago

I am making the wave bracelet with four colors lets see how this works out;)

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dancer1o1 wrote 14 years ago

I love the pending pattern idea!!! Now you can keep track of the patterns that aren't published yet. :D

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Robin L Irvin wrote 14 years ago

I simply LUV this site! I am a disabled person and go crazy trying to find stuff(arts and crafts) to keep me busy-hands are fine! LOL-Thankyou ever so much for showing us how to do these! Kudos and great works! Thanks and God Bless to all! Robin

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Love2Knot wrote 14 years ago

Friday August 6, 2010 is a day of sorrow for my family, my oldest sister Megan was killed in a car accident in New Diggings, Wisconson 28 years old. Her and her boyfriend were planning a trip to Tortuga, mexico and there on the beach her boyfriend was going to propose but thats not going to happen. It was all because of me that my sister and her boyfriend met, i told Megan that she needed to find someone. On sunday night i told her boyfriend that and he got a lok of thanks and disbaleif on his face. So Think of Megan Elizabeth and pray. I'm her little sister.

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