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Segment knotting by art_by_essie 4 months ago

Does it matter how you do segment knotting?
From outside to inside or inside to outside?

RE : Segment knotting by halokiwi 4 months ago

It depends on the pattern. Which pattern do you want to segment knot?

If you have a regular chevron, you would knot from the outside to the inside, but if you have an upside-down chevron, you would knot from the inside to the outside. But there are so many other patterns apart from chevrons.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 4 months ago

But how do i know if i have to knot from outside to inside or the other way ? There are so many different patterns

RE : Segment knotting by halokiwi 4 months ago

When segment knotting, you knot in diagonals
A regular chevron looks like a V.
You follow that V.

An upside down chevron looks like /\.
You follow/\.

If you give me another pattern, I can try to explain how you would tie it.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 4 months ago

For example # 111813
And then specialy ,the sides

RE : Segment knotting by halokiwi 4 months ago

I'd go from the inside to the outside from row 1 to 10 and from the outside to the inside from row 11 to 20.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 4 months ago

Oke, but it isn't possible to do all outside to inside or the other way ?

RE : Segment knotting by halokiwi 4 months ago

It is also possible to knot everything either from the inside to the outside or from the outside to the inside. For this pattern it would be most effective to switch like I described.

If you want to do only one for all the normal patterns you do, I recommend knotting from the outside to the inside for all of them, but I would not really call that segment-knotting.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 4 months ago


RE : Segment knotting by Lyrae 4 months ago

I would probably do something like this

But it's all up to you and what you're most comfortable with when knotting, segmenting is just a way to avoid mistakes on patterns/make it easier for you to read, but there really is no rules.

When you do from the inside to the outside, you can pinch both sides towards the inside before knotting the next row so it's easier to have the right tension on your knots and avoid gaps, and it helps to keep the bracelet straight


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