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RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 3 months ago

Lyare, thanks. This is helpful. Examples make it so much easier.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 3 months ago

But does it matter which segment i do first ?

RE : Segment knotting by Lyrae 3 months ago


I added numbers so you know the order, you cannot do in another order because it simply won't be possible because of the threads' positions (with this peculiar segmentation I did, for instance, you cannot do 7 before 6 because you need the green thread that is coming from the outside to do the inside... the same logic applies for the other segments).

Remember this is just how I would segment your pattern, there's no absolute rule as long as it makes it easier for you to knot without making mistakes.

I advise you to not focus so much about segment knotting, most of the time when i'm doing a new pattern I just do it as I feel it and segmentation comes naturally when I get used to the pattern

RE : Segment knotting by Lyrae 3 months ago


I advise you to watch this video that explains everything you need to know about how to read patterns and segment knotting

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 3 months ago


RE : Segment knotting by halokiwi 3 months ago

Your explanation is so much more useful than mine.

RE : Segment knotting by art_by_essie 3 months ago

True true


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