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Help Needed! I am looking for this pattern by jeremy2918 2 years ago

My friend lost his and I want to remake it but this would be my first bracelet, can someone help me find the pattern or maybe even a video so I can make it?

Image: https://i.ibb.co/JzTsS5M/IMG-0016.jpg

RE : Help Needed! I am looking for this pattern by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

This is a woven bracelet, not a knotted bracelet. It could be card-woven.

RE : Help Needed! I am looking for this pattern by jeremy2918 2 years ago

Ohh I didnt even know that! But is there any similar pattern I can use in this page? The end result does not have to be an exact replica.

Still thanks for that, kleinevos!

RE : Help Needed! I am looking for this pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

I tried to come up with something

RE : Help Needed! I am looking for this pattern by jeremy2918 2 years ago

This is close enough! Thanks halokiwi


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