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Editing kumihimo pattern K49 by janelane 2 years ago

Soo here's the pattern in question:

I'm wondering if I can tweak it so that it looks like:

I basically just want doubled lines so that they stand out more. (Ignore the colored outlines haha that's what you get when you just quickly replace colors)
I edited this in photoshop, wouldn't be asking if I knew how to get this result in the generator haha. I especially don't want to double the number of strings, kumis are already thick enough.

RE : Editing kumihimo pattern K49 by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

You can. It’ll have 48 strings if you do that, so it won’t fit in our generator (and we don’t accept candystripes), but you can braid it. Only thing you need to do is add another pair of strings in the same color right next to each pair shown in the pattern.

RE : Editing kumihimo pattern K49 by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

There’s no other way you can get this result with the normal round kongo kumihimo btw. It’ll always need more strings if you add more diagonals.

RE : Editing kumihimo pattern K49 by janelane 2 years ago

I see, I was hoping that was doable withing doubling the total number of strings but thank you anyway! :)


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