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i need help to make a pattern by daria1274 4 years ago

I recently found this new artist named cavetown on spotify and on one of his albums(animal kingdom) there is a track called "boys will be bugs". The picture for this track is a butterfly, and i'd like a pattern(not really complicated) repeating that butterfly(without all the details).i know it's very hard to make such a pattern but i'd love anything that at least looks similar. If it's not possible for anyone to make it i completely understand. Any tips would be useful, so i could tru to make it myself. Thanks for your time!

RE: i need help to make a pattern by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

I tried: A68726 is pending right now. This is a detailed image though, which is almost impossible to make into a nice but yet simple pattern. I hope this is simple enough :-)

RE: i need help to make a pattern by daria1274 4 years ago

Thanks so much! I'm sure i can manage to make it.

RE : i need help to make a pattern by Leey 3 months ago

Can u make me a butterfly

RE : i need help to make a pattern by kleinevos (moderator) 3 months ago

We have a lot of patterns with butterflies. You can search on keyword ‘butterfly’ or ‘butterflies’ in our pattern-section.


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