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tips on washing a bracelet? by ninich 5 years ago

hello everyone!
so ive worn a bracelet for a while now and all the white thread in it got dirty and a little stained so i was wondering if anyone knows any tips to safely wash it without ruining it or using bleach like products
or just generally maybe a tip for preserving the pristine white of the thread for future projects
thanks in advance!

RE: tips on washing a bracelet? by EdBlair 5 years ago

You can hand wash it it warm water. I usually spread liquid hand soap over the bracelet after getting it wet and let it soak for a while before rinsing and drying. You could also use some liquid laundry soap (but don't apply it directly to the bracelet since it is concentrated). Woolite is a brand of laundry soap that is designed for hand washing delicates (i.e. wool).
If you need extra whitening, you could try adding a little bit of vinegar or a little bit of spray on stain remover, but make sure you rinse it out before it sits too long.
Other tips I have seen here include putting the bracelet in a cloth bag (for protection from abrasion) and putting it in the washing machine with your cloths

RE: tips on washing a bracelet? by ninich 5 years ago

ive found that handwashing smooths the thread and its harder to wash the discoloration off
i'll try to find a bag for the washing machine and go hunting for woolite alternatives since woolite isnt available where im from
thank you!


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