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Different methods for the ends of a bracelet by xLadyKira 6 years ago

Hello fellow creators!! I was just wondering if any of you know any creative ways of tying the loose ends of a bracelet?? I want to make them so that the wearer doesn't have to squeeze it over their hand.. also doing it that way means I have to know how big their hand is so that it will actually go on, yet I can't make it too big because then it will slide all over their wrist. Is there any way to creatively make it so that the bracelet can be taken on and off with ease and without having to squeeze it over their hand? Thanks in advance for any helpful comments!!

RE: Different methods for the ends of a bracelet by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

The best way is probably to add a button and a buttonhole. I think the bracelet would be too wide if you make it into a bangle. The only other option would be to add an elastic between start and finish, but I have no experience with that.

RE: Different methods for the ends of a bracelet by Stefanie7 6 years ago

I always use this method with square knots: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=3313. I'm not sure if it is what you are looking for, but I like it because it is very easy to put the bracelets on and off and the bracelet will fit different people without knowing the exact wrist length.

RE: Different methods for the ends of a bracelet by xLadyKira 6 years ago

Thanks for your help!!


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