
was donated
Kumihimo by Jenbeads 9 years ago

Is there a way to generate a pattern from a round pattern to a flat braid pattern? I found a braid that I would love to use on a project I'm currently working on but I need the braid to be flat not round. Can anyone help? The pattern I'm wanting to use is K2048 (music notes). Thank you in advance!!!

RE: Kumihimo by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

The way of moving strings is different. It's not possible to just change a pattern into a flat kumi-pattern. It might be possible to make a pattern with music-notes though, but I'm not experienced enough in flat kumihimos to do so.
I know there's a very good site about kumihimos out there:craftdesignonline.com. Maybe you can find it there.


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