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diffrent shape! by zainab_mohajer 9 years ago

I make a bracelet like the pattern number #39517
But I don't know why I couldn't get the same result!
I used 20 strings and followed 24 rows! :)))))))


RE: diffrent shape! by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

You've clearly made some mistakes. :-( Keep an eye on the pattern while knotting. As soon as it doesn't look like the pattern you know you've made some wrong knots.

RE: diffrent shape! by zainab_mohajer 9 years ago

Thank you kleinevos!

You are right! :)

RE: diffrent shape! by zainab_mohajer 9 years ago

I made that pattern again step to step and kept my eyes on the pattern while I was knotting. I couldn't get this shape correctly. Please help me !

RE: diffrent shape! by Sammoning (moderator) 9 years ago

These kind of patterns can get confusing, difficult to keep track of. You could put a sheet of paper over the pattern, to help you knot it row by row, left to right.
Or something else I do sometimes, is grab a pencil and mark the red shape, for example by circling around all the red parts.


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