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how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by beeperrrr 11 years ago

hi!who can help me to how change a photo to an alpha pattern... i really need your help... :)

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by Alicat 11 years ago

You can't delete a photo you've posted, all you can do is add another.

However, if you mean change the photo as in the alpha pattern, then you can take it into paint and the black grid makes it easy to fill the boxes with different colors to modify it to what you want.

Hope that helps!

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by chibi_ragnarok 11 years ago

Open it in MS Paint. Crop it if you need to. Hit ctrl+g to make the grid show up, then ctrl+w to bring up the resizing box. Just mess around with the percentages.

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by beeperrrr 11 years ago

Thanks for your usefull information :)

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by SakuraVellis 11 years ago

What's wrong if you can't pick the option to show grid? It's light grey..

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by chibi_ragnarok 11 years ago

You're using the old version of Paint, right? Use the custom zoom and go to 800% and hit ctrl+g.

RE: how make a photo to an alpha pattern..? by SakuraVellis 11 years ago

thnx :)


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