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Kumihumo Bug by Lots_o_knots 12 years ago

sometimes when I use the kumihumo generator, the pattern goes away and goes to another page

RE: Kumihumo Bug by Lots_o_knots 12 years ago

For example, I'm working on it then it goes to Gallery

RE: Kumihumo Bug by Lots_o_knots 12 years ago

and today when I was using it, a big black arrow came

RE: Kumihumo Bug by lorie 12 years ago

Yes, I know, kumihimo generator still has some bugs. I recommend to you to use Firefox or Google Chrome. I use Google Chrome 16 and didn't report so many bugs. I encounter them rarely. Give it a try :-)


RE: Kumihumo Bug by Stefan (moderator) 12 years ago

Yep, still very buggy. Will make a new one for the next site release. Keep an eye on the updates page to stay tuned.


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