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suggestion for the normal pattern generator by Foz 13 years ago

I was wondering whether it wouldn't be possible to add the letters to the individual threads at the beginning of the pattern while we're still in the generator? because the colour panel has so many colours (which is awesome!) I'm having trouble picking the same colour for numerous threads (which might be due to too much coffee or simply poor eyesight on my part)... but if there were letters indicating the number of colours used, that would be a real help :-)

RE: suggestion for the normal pattern generator by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

Thanks for that idea! I will for sure implement it in the next version :-)
I'm very busy until the end of june though, I'm currently working on my masters' thesis. I hope you understand.

RE: suggestion for the normal pattern generator by Foz 13 years ago

yay, masters' thesis! go you :-) I'm thrilled that you like the idea, and I'm a very patient person, so whenever you're ready is awesome. thank you!


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