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RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

@go_blue16: That's exactly the same as me! I used to just toss them in the trash can, but then I decided they would make good beads! One problem: the thread that you used for your necklace or whatever would have to be as thick as the skein of thread; otherwise the beads would come right off when you take the piece of jewelry off.

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by iluvmyspud 13 years ago

i think imight do the binder or a folder!!!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by camprogergirl 13 years ago

Good idea katie1313!!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by katie1313 13 years ago

Thanks camprogergirl =)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Gymgirlie 13 years ago

gosh, ive never really given much thought to the wrappers... these are all really good ideas! i like the one about decorating a box katie1313 :]

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by katie1313 13 years ago

Thanks =)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Joy 13 years ago

wow soo many great ideas!!!
i wasn't sure weather u were serious or not cuz i thought someone really would eat them....*phew*

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Huntress 13 years ago

Interesting, I always end up with the left overs after I fix my string for easy use. Maybe I'll do something with them now. I have these cool clear ones from my pearl effects thread and some jewel effects too. Let's see what I can make. Thanks for the ideas all!!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Wow, Joy :) My friend Raven has tried to eat them before when she is especially hungry (I swear, that girl is half goat!), but I don't reccommend it. I had to threaten to Heimlich her :)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Gibson_Girls 13 years ago

LOL :)


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