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RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

I wasn't serious, you know. Believe me, I wouldn't eat them. You would know if I was serious because I would have said, "Eat them." and that would be it. Anyways, you could probably decorate a binder with them and put your patterns inside or something... :)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by iluvmyspud 13 years ago

ya tht would be cool thx i'll try it!!! (maybe)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

I've made a Binder Book of Awesomeness (awesomeness=patterns), but I do need to decorate it somehow. Anyone who does one of these things, post a picture. I wanna see this!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by ruserious 13 years ago

is it this thing?:http://www.maurer-stroh.com/images/page/DMC_Stranded_Thread.jpg

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by camprogergirl 13 years ago

i was wondering the same thing as ruserious!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by MaDbReN 13 years ago

yea it is

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by katie1313 13 years ago

I throw away the small ones and just keep the ones with the floss numbers in case I want more of that colour =)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Good idea! I should probably do that but I just go by sight when thread-shopping :)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by go_blue16 13 years ago


I barely give a second thought to those wrappers, I just toss them in the trash can nearest to me. I've never been a very environmental person(II know it's not something to be proud of!)but after reading this thread, I've decided to actually do give a thought to those wrappers.

I know! Make a necklace out of them! You know, how when you slide them off the skein, they're circular shapes....almost like beads....so just string them onto a piece of yarn. Add some beads for decorativeness!

To show your love of bracelet-making, wear your creation everywhere you go!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by katie1313 13 years ago

Decorate a box with them and put all of your bracelets in it =)


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