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WOW! by Punchy 14 years ago

lol i just was looking at the letters thingy in the step-by-step and i noticed there is no W for the letters! like they have abcdef...ect but no W!
i noticed cuz i was making a bracelet with the word WIRED on it!
lol i can't believe it!

RE: WOW! by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

Oops, must have forgotten that :-o

I'm going to update the step-by-step instructions this summer so then I can add a W for you.

It's not so hard to make a W anyway, I'm sure you can design one by yourself.

RE: WOW! by Strudle_Puff 14 years ago

wow lolz

RE: WOW! by anna_anutza96 13 years ago

no,it is....i saw it...it isn't so great,but is ok see it here: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tp/2/9.jpg


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