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Couple of Questions by fbmagic 13 years ago

Okay so I get this new thing that all the word patterns will be deleted except for the full alphabet ones but What if we need an alphabet that is bigger then 12- strings. I need one that is 15 strings and there aren't any on here. I would make one but I am not good at making fonts. And I don't like just the plain regular fonts. I like the bold ones. And then also I was wondering does anyone know how to make a friendship bracelet ring? I would really like to make one but don't know how. Thanks very much! :)

RE: Couple of Questions by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Well, you can see if you could get someone who is a whiz with the generator (who is NOT me, by the way--I am not technologically gifted!) to make you the font--what kind do you need? And you could always double the amount of threads & knots on an existing one...and as for rings, all I can say is for you to cut your threads a lot shorter.


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