
was donated
uhhhh where did it go??? by Joy 13 years ago

where did my alpha pattern go? i had the alpha pattern "alice" in rainbow colours and now its not there...even tried to look it up? stefen what happend to it???

RE: uhhhh where did it go??? by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

It was deleted. We are cleaning up the site since it is full of name patterns.
The moderators are following the these simple rules:

1. A name pattern N can be deleted if there exist an alphabet pattern A which can produce the same name pattern N.
2. The photos of N is transferred to A before deleting.

Obvoiusly, there already exist an alphabet that can produce your Alice pattern. If you want to make an Alice bracelet, look at the alphabet and use the letters A, L, I, C, E.


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