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where to buy nylon for macrame by joseR 13 years ago

Hi everyone i kind of newbie at this but im reading some tutorials and i make a few bracelets already following the patterns desing posted here, and i need that you suggest me some good sites to buy nylon for making bracelets and beads (i think thats the name :S) so i'll be waiting for ur answers!

PD: sorry for my realy bad english but

RE: where to buy nylon for macrame by Stellaphone 13 years ago

I use DMC embroidery floss, but they probably have nylon at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joanne's.

RE: where to buy nylon for macrame by joseR 13 years ago

So many thankz I dind't that!!! i always use nylon 'cause thats all i can get in the local store!!! abt size 25 its ok??


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