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change color? by empirerecords 13 years ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to make this bracelet, https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=5009, #5009, but I want to switch the colors to match the versions some other people have made and don't know how. I'm looking for a way to make this https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/gallery.php?id=6154 and especially this https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/gallery.php?id=9252. What do I have to do to the pattern?

Thanks a lot!

RE: change color? by Unbelieber 13 years ago

You just use different colored strings. Like if you wanna use green instead of black, put a green string for every black string and just do the same for the other colors

RE: change color? by empirerecords 13 years ago

right, but see how on the second one, 9252, there are black AND white strings? i'm really bad at understanding patterns and don't know which ones to swap out and which ones to keep.

RE: change color? by Unbelieber 13 years ago

Wait I dunno what ur asking. Do u wanna use those same colors and u don't know how to position the new strings?

RE: change color? by empirerecords 13 years ago

Well, okay. See how on the pattern there are only 3 colors? ABC or black white blue? In this picture, https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/gallery.php?id=9252, there are 4 colors, black white blue and orange. Looking at https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/gallery.php?id=3395 as an example of one with 3 colors, I want to know how to add the extra color in.

RE: change color? by Unbelieber 13 years ago

Gotcha. And I just noticed something. The pattern has 4 colors. If u look closely you'll notice the blues are different shades

RE: change color? by Unbelieber 13 years ago

And it even says there are 4 colors in the pattern over on the left side

RE: change color? by empirerecords 13 years ago

oh man x_x alright, well, if you don't mind/can figure it out, what color would be what letter?

RE: change color? by empirerecords 13 years ago

Is it A=white, B=black, C=blue, D=orange?

RE: change color? by Unbelieber 13 years ago

If u look at the pattern then look at the pic, you'll see that for black they used dark brown, White=black, Dark blue=light blue, and light blue=light brown(or if u think it's orange)


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