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Things that don't fit into other topics.

thread name replies author views last post
Alpha background string?
I really want to start making some alpha bracelets, but I don't know the string length I would need
2 Kairedfern 1280 13 years ago
by Sierra_Johnson
delte patterns
how do i delte patterns
1 usr5779 480 13 years ago
by Sierra_Johnson
Ending Keyrings??
Hi I was just wondering if anyone has any fun and cool ways to end patterns that are on keyrings.
4 katie1313 1086 13 years ago
by katie1313
Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone plz make an alpha of daniel radcliffes face tht would be EPIC!!!!
0 cheeseman135792 873 13 years ago
by cheeseman135792
I don't comprehend how to read the patterns. I know how to do the knots but I don't know how to read
7 17miry 883 13 years ago
by 17miry
How Do You Finish the bracelet off?
I have a cool bracelet but i want to make the loop in the beginning and the braids on the ends. Does
2 ladygagafan140 1985 13 years ago
by kiraaxchaos
hi i made a bracelet from here and my camera just started working again and i looked for the pattern
4 erica1221 921 13 years ago
by erica1221
Who else does knitting here? =) I love knitting. I've made 3 hats, 2 pairs of gloves, 3 scarves,
7 go_blue16 993 13 years ago
by erica1221
looking for video
i saw a video with a bunch of bracelets that a girl had made. she laid one on top another into a pil
4 rosethorn2003 919 13 years ago
by Gymgirlie
how do I make a bracelet like this?
5 DropDead_Sydney 1157 13 years ago
by samuelsun

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