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~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Sammoning (moderator) 9 years ago

~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th
For these weekly contests a fairly old, photo less pattern will be chosen, and you guys can come up with a new color scheme for it. Pick the colors you think look best, make the bracelet, and upload a picture to the pattern. The moderators will then vote for the best bracelet.

~Right now the only prize for the winner is that the colors of the pattern will be changed according to the winning bracelet - and, of course, the recognition and adoration of your peers and moderators for having a great eye for colors, and being an exceptionally good knotter.

* Please note that you may change the position and distribution of colours, but not the knotting structure itself to participate *

~This week's pattern is #45394

~If you need some outside help with colors, you're welcome to use colourlovers.com or colorschemedesigner.com

~To post pictures with a higher quality, resize to around 500 pixels wide and use the flash uploader, located at the top of the normal uploader page.

~Try getting your pictures in by Friday 24th, since the mods will start voting on Saturday. The new contest will be posted on this Friday as well.

~Make your bracelet with whatever materials you want! You can even include beads or metallic thread - it's yours to keep. However, the extra things won't get you extra points
You may submit as many photos as you like, but it must be a different bracelet per photo. Collages are okay for different angles and views of your bracelet. Presentation counts, though! A bracelet with a nice in focus photo and finished ends will be much more likely to win than a blurry dark picture of part of a bracelet.

~To all of you, good luck and ofcourse have fun! :)

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Charmed_1 9 years ago

Awesome!.....I wanted to make the last one but I was dealing with headache's and migraines. Today is a better day so I'm hoping to hop on this....

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Jazzy5252 9 years ago

this is really pretty!

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Pingvin Berti 9 years ago

I'm doing it :)

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Marekitty 9 years ago

I'll upload mine after the contest :) good luck all!

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Charmed_1 9 years ago

Finished mine and uploaded it. I haven't been home and Almost missed this one.

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Sammoning (moderator) 9 years ago

This contest is now closed, we will announce the winner in a few days :)

The next contest has also started, contest #135 can be found here.

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Sammoning (moderator) 9 years ago

And we have a winner!!

Congratulations to: Charmed_1!

~And thank you all very much for participating this week :)

RE: ~Weekly Contest #134, Friday July 17th - 24th by Charmed_1 9 years ago

Just got home to a nice surprise.. Everyone had awesome color combo's.. Thanks. :)


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