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Generator 2: colors by Twilight1798 13 years ago

hey guys!
how do u change your colors in generator 2?

RE: Generator 2: colors by aerialpig 13 years ago

It's easy, just left-click on the top of the thread until you get to the color you'd prefer. If you right-click the colors will change in reverse-order.

RE: Generator 2: colors by Lovemenot 13 years ago

To add to what aerialpig said, when you are finished with your pattern; at the bottom of the page you will see a string of characters, similar to 'GGGGGG;DDD,DD,DDD,DD' highlight and copy whatever is in that text box, and paste it into the text box under pattern code, and above transfer. Click transfer and it will take your pattern into Generator 1. There you can more precisely choose the colors you want for your pattern.


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