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split finger? by rjkcurrie3 13 years ago

My left pointer finger has a cut from the thread since I have been making bracelets back to back to keep myself busy, does anyone else have this problem? And I have tried bandaids but I cant get my finger to bend how I need it to or the string gets caught on the thing, it is just fustrating cause I just get into making them and want to finish, right now making bracelets is right up there with eating chocolate.

RE: split finger? by eternity26 13 years ago

I have the same problem. I just try to avoid the cut on my finger. This may cause you to find a different yet temporary method of tying. You can try using a thimble, not sure if it will work though. Or you can put gloves on your hands (plastic or wool/cotton..etc.), especially the kind you wear during winter or when it's cold. You can also try wrapping something around the finger and securing it with an adhesive such as tape. Like a tissue, for example, or something more durable. I personally just switch my method to one that avoids the wound and wait until I'm comfortable with the regualr method I use. Hope this helps...and good luck!

RE: split finger? by spiffehgymnast 13 years ago

haha that has happened to me before. i just try not to put pressure on that finger. maybe put some neosporin or something on it and let it heal for a day or so because if you continue to get at it with will only get worse

RE: split finger? by miserablyunhip 13 years ago

I used to have this problem. I just invested in a thimble.

RE: split finger? by Joy 13 years ago

i usually just get a sore spot on my finger...it hurst for a while but nver splits. sounds painful though...ouch

RE: split finger? by Lovemenot 13 years ago

There are band-aids that I have tried that have not dampened my tying too much. Allowing enough movement and what not. If you can't find a good band-aid, you could try getting a small piece of fabric, maybe from an old t-shirt, cutting it just long enough to wrap around your finger, and maybe about half an inch wide. Then make sort of a ring out of it. Using glue or something to keep the ends together. You want to make sure it is snug, so it doesn't move around all the time, but you don't want to cut off your circulation either. Also, a messy and somewhat irritating way to prevent the soreness and or cut from the string... after its healed, just apply a little bit of super glue to the area, this will prevent the string from irritating the skin, and allow for movement still.


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