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Video feature? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

Hello everyone!

What do you think about a video section on the site?

RE: Video feature? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

That means, an ability to post YouTube links to each pattern.

RE: Video feature? by Cathelijn 14 years ago

It would be very helpfull for the beginners. It will be a lot of work to post a video for each pattern. Maybe you should only post a video for the easy patterns.

PS: Is that you on that picture, Stefan? Cause I love the hair :P

RE: Video feature? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

Thanks for the reply Cathelijn!

What I meant was that the users can post their own videos if they have any. I would certainly not produce all those videos myself :P
It would be like the gallery but with videos instead.

Yes, it's me on the picture :P Thanks!

RE: Video feature? by Cathelijn 14 years ago

I think it would be very helpfull. Espcially for the people who haven't knot so long. But I don't know if many people will make their own videos. Cause it is a lot of work. But the idea is cool.

RE: Video feature? by cveti2c2 14 years ago

Yes, it's really good idea =)

RE: Video feature? by artjunkie 14 years ago

great idea i will try my best to put videos up.
p.s. Great website !!!!

RE: Video feature? by Suri 14 years ago

If there was a link-to-video feature added, I would likely contribute. I have a camera and too much time on my hands.

RE: Video feature? by Tokio 14 years ago

I think that would be a great idea, actually. A lot of help for people just starting or even those who are too lazy to start the long patterns without a little help ;)

RE: Video feature? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

Right now, there are like 2 vids on making bracelets from this site... It would seem rather awkward to make a whole section for that.

Suri, artjunkie and all other interested, could you make vids and put up on youtube? I'll prepare the video section and when there are at least 5-10 videos then I will publish them!

I will also try to make some vids meanwhile.



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