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RE: Selling your bracelets? by Rissa 13 years ago

May I ask how many bracelets you've sold by now using Etsy? Are the prices you set accepted by purchasers? Because I was thinking about selling my bracelets, too, and someone suggested Etsy to me, I was thinking about asking for less though. But if the prices are accepted I might use yours as a guide... Then I'd only need to make petter pictures.

RE: Selling your bracelets? by hanechan 13 years ago

I'm not sure if you're asking me, buts here is what I can tell you: I use the same prices as other etsy users, and have sold 2 bracelets so for. With pictures you have to experiment to get good ones but use natural light only, near a window or something, and use macro mode on you camera (the little flower button) Hope this helps, and from one etsy newbie to another good luck!

RE: Selling your bracelets? by Rissa 13 years ago

I was asking everyone with an Etsy-account, so thanks for answering!
I haven't created an account yet, not even read the terms of use. I was mostly interested if it's worth creating the account and offering bracelets there at all, if people are still interested in friendship bracelets.
The pics should not be an issue if my boyfriend decides to help me.


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