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Selling your bracelets? by majesticroar 13 years ago

Who here sells their work? If so, how successful have you been and how do you do it? I was thinking using etsy. I'd really like to make a little business. Also, what do you charge?

RE: Selling your bracelets? by fbmagic 13 years ago

I sell my bracelets! Well I just started yesterday so so far no customers. Ha ha but hopefully I will get some! I just use my own website! i ask my family what they would pay for the bracelet. I don't like to charge too pricey though cause then people won't want to buy them if they are a lot. But yeah. :)

RE: Selling your bracelets? by kitkat15 13 years ago

okay my prents and friends tell me to sell my bracelets all the time. when i was at a local craft show a lady was selling hers for 5 bucks a piece. now tht seems high. if i were you i would go based off of how hard the pattern is. like the chinese staircase could go frm 25-50 cents but the bracelets with 8-10 strings could go for like 2 fer 5. something like tht. hope i helped!

RE: Selling your bracelets? by cougrz38 13 years ago

majesticroar i have sold some at a fair previously. They did well, and i varied the price according to how much string i have used and the difficulty of the pattern. Just remember though you don't want to make them too pricey

RE: Selling your bracelets? by Mina 13 years ago

I sell my bracelets among friends and family friends and so on. And, like cougrz38, I price according to amount of string.

RE: Selling your bracelets? by sparkles 13 years ago

i sell with 5 basic patterns (wave, chevron, broken ladder, candy stripe, or boxes) and i price them from 1$ to 5$. i was going to go for 75 cents a piece when i realized it takes me about six days to just make one. and anyway, all the money i make goes to a charity for batten's disease. so im saying, if youre planning to donate price higher, if youre going for more savings price lower.

RE: Selling your bracelets? by satin666 13 years ago

it depends on how much time and how large and the difficulty of the pattern. i sell the candystripe and braid and swirl for a dollar, and the zigzag and the wave for two. harder patterns like more than ten strings go for higher. can you make names? if so, cahrge atleast five for each and do custom colors. let them choose the two colors they want the bracelet made in for the name. good luck!

RE: Selling your bracelets? by fbmagic 13 years ago

@ satin666 - I do name bracelets and I like customize them too and that is how much I charge for mine. :)

RE: Selling your bracelets? by majesticroar 13 years ago

But would I be successful with selling them on etsy? I mean, would people buy them?

RE: Selling your bracelets? by fbmagic 13 years ago

I am pretty sure they would. It looks like most people who price their bracelet right are pretty succesful. I am thinking about starting to sell on etsy so I can actually sell them. :)


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